Police Blotter
The following offenses occurred on NEIU’s campuses from the dates of Feb. 17 to Mar. 3:
Library, Feb. 17, an unknown offender wrote graffiti on bathroom walls and a toilet dispenser
Fine Arts Building, Feb. 23, an unknown offender wrote graffiti on a bathroom stall wall
P.E. Building, Feb. 24, an unknown source set off the fire alarm, Chicago Fire Dept. responded and reset the alarm
P.E. Building, Feb. 24, a disturbance caused by a group of males refused to leave campus grounds, when police were called, the group complied
B Building, Feb. 25, an unknown offender cut some computer cables inside a classroom
Fine Arts Building, Mar. 3, an unknown offender wrote graffiti inside a men’s bathroom
El Centro, Mar. 3, an unknown offender wrote graffiti on the second story of the building