Wrigley Renovations

More stories from Mary Kroeck

Bird’s-eye View
April 5, 2016
Bird’s-eye View
March 15, 2016

Familiar landmarks are going down, as Wrigley continues to build up.

No marquee and no golden arches.

As the Cubs train in Arizona, Wrigley Field continues major renovations as part of its 1060 Project. In doing so, the Wrigleyville McDonald’s shut its doors on Mar. 1.

The Wrigleyville staple, which was filled with Cubs memorabilia and had parking lot posts with giant baseballs on top, is being torn down and a Starwood hotel is slated to be put up in its place. A new McDonald’s is scheduled to be part of the building when it is completed. The Cubs Store, located next to the iconic hamburger joint, has already been demolished.

Renovations in the area are set to continue through 2018. The historic Wrigley Field marquee should be back up for the Cubs’ home opener against the Cincinnati Reds on Apr. 11.