05/28 Police Blotter
May 28, 2019

The following events happened on NEIU’s campuses from April 15 – May 22, 2019:
4/15 – El Centro
Student reports verbal threats made to him by classmate during a verbal altercation while discussing a group project. Dean of students notified.
4/17 – Testing Center
During a routine patrol, officer discovered several rear facing windows damaged. Offender is unknown.
4/18 – E Building
During a routine patrol, officer discovered office door ajar. After further investigation, it appears door faceplate and latch had been tampered with.
4/20 – Tennis Courts
NEIU neighbor reported group playing cricket on tennis court being loud and aggressive. Cricket ball smashed the car windshield of her relative.
4/21 – The Nest
Built up grease on stove caused fire in apartment. Resident put fire out with extinguisher. Fire department responded. No injuries were reported.
4/24 – D Building
Officers on standby during an employee termination meeting. No incidents reported.
4/25 – Parking Lot F
Officers reported paint transfer to squad car while parked in lot. Offender is unknown.
4/26 – Parking Garage
Relatives wanted to file a missing person report. Pinged victim’s cell phone to NEIU. She was located safely in parking garage . She had slept in her car overnight.
4/26 – El Centro
Unknown offender damaged university computer while in lab.
4/26 – Library
Staff reports contact by high school friend over social media over the last ten years. Victim was told to block him and contact police if contact becomes threatening.
4/29 – Enrollment Office
Police investigating text messages sent to university staff by high school student who was a part of NEIU’s Future Freshmen enrollment campaign.
4/29 – Student Union
Unknown offender wrote graffiti on bathroom mirror and stall in the lower level men’s washroom. Facilities management was notified for clean up.
4/29 – Fine Arts Building
Building fire alarm went off when child pulled alarm. Fire department and campus engineers reset the alarm.
4/30 – Library
Unknown offender wrote graffiti on bathroom stall doors and walls. Facilities management was notified for clean up.
4/30 – 3518 W. Bryn Mawr
Subject walked into station seeking help from off campus domestic issue with girlfriend. Chicago Police Department also responded and told him to get an order of protection.
5/1 – Bryn Mawr and Central Park
While on patrol, officer observed vehicle make a wrong turn and strike parked car. Chicago police made arrest after conducting a field sobriety test.
5/3 – Library
Graffiti reported on back of door in library. Offender is unknown. Facilities management was notified for clean up.
5/3 – C Building
Fire department responded to fire alarm coming from elevator. Unfounded alarm was reset.
5/4 – The Nest
Officers and fire department responded to call of fire caused by cooking grease. Fire was put out by resident. No injuries were reported.
5/7 – E Building
Officers called to bookstore for subject making staff nervous by peering through window and attempting to enter a restricted area. Contact was made. Subject left.
5/7 – Carruther Center for Inner City Studies
Instructor reported cash stolen from her purse after cabinet that it was left in was forcefully opened. Possible offender seen leaving room.
5/9 – The Nest
Police received report of possible sale of a firearm at the Nest. Further investigation determined that it was a prank call.
5/10 – Fine Arts Building
Employee reports injury to hand after removing a lightbulb from a box. NEIU nurse provided medical assistance.
5/11 – Lech Walesa Hall
Employee found a small bag with possible suspect cannabis in men’s bathroom. Baggie was inventoried at police department.
5/14 – College of Business and Management
Unknown offender wrote graffiti on bathroom stall inside men’s bathroom. Facilities management was notified for clean up.
5/15 – Parking Garage
Fire alarm was pulled to summon help after occupants panicked when door in building vestibule jammed and they could not exit. Alarm was reset.
5/18 – PE Building
Woman asked officer to check on her friend’s well being in bathroom. Woman thought friend may be having a medical emergency. No one was found inside bathroom.
5/19 – Pedroso Center
Staff reported several university owned property, including laptop and camera, missing from office area.
5/20 – Library
Officers responded to verbal altercation between two library patrons insulting each other. Peace was restored.
5/22 – Library
Graffiti was found on office interior wooden door. Offender is unknown. Facilities management was notified for clean up.