6 Degrees of Connection: A Social/Networking event


With the new semester comes opportunities for connection. For the past year at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) and other colleges and universities, there has been a lack of in-person events to attend, for good reasons. This fall semester, if anyone has seen around campus, there have been a bountiful amount of events to attend. Whether you’re an early riser, a mid-day seeker or a night-owl, there are plenty of events to choose from. 

As a recent transfer student who has been online in the last year or so, I am taking the opportunity to connect with as many people as I can. Since I commute to NEIU, finding those opportunities is harder, but not impossible. 

One of the many events offered this month, the fall Social/Networking event, was held on Sept. 21 at the Alumni Hall. The event was hosted from 6-8 p.m. by the College of Business and Technology – Student Advisory Council (SAC), and several of the attendees were students who take classes around this time or stay late on campus.

At only one table, there were connections ranging from the President of the Student Government Association (SGA), members of the TRIO program and anthropology and business majors. 

I managed to have a sit down with Edwin Medina, the President of the SGA who was one the members involved in coordinating this event. When asked as to the reason for creating this event, Medina said, “being able to connect to different people, given the last year”. 

This event was one of the first of many mixer-like events that will be hosted by the SAC throughout this semester (with a Tuesday date being the most likely day for said events). There is also a gala planned for later on in the semester with limited seating available.

You can find out more about these events and the SGA  from their collegiate link titled: “College of Business and Technology – Student Advisory Council.” The SAC can also be found on their Instagram page: @neiu_cbt_sac