11/05 Police Blotter

Oct. 16 NEIU
Employee walked into the police station to report seeing bugs in building that triggered his phobia, making him very upset. He returned to work after calming down.

Oct. 16 LWH
Faculty reports suspicious person who came to her office wanting to leave a bag for safekeeping. Officers made contact with the subject. The bag contained a jacket and Tupperware.

Oct. 16 E Building
Employee reported that he slipped on liquid on the floor, landing on his back. He refused medical assistance.

Oct. 16 NEIU
Supervisor reports an ongoing issue between two of his employees with claims of bullying and intimidating comments. Matter was referred to human resources.

Oct. 18 Student Union
Employee called NEIU police regarding a student who said that he was suicidal via email. Contact was made with the student. He is reported to be okay and will be receiving assistance at the Student Counseling Services office.

Oct. 19 Parking Garage
Four teenagers were brought to the station after it was reported that they were yelling profanities from the garage rooftop to passerbys below. They were escorted home to their parents.

Oct. 19 E Building
An employee walked into the police station to report issues with bugs bothering him while he worked. Police stayed with him while he completed his immediate work duties.

Oct. 21 COBM
Police received several reports of a verbal altercation between a staff member and an elderly woman who was waving a large cane and threatening people. Police were unable to locate the woman.

Oct. 22 Library
Student admitted that he altered the Student Government Halloween Movie Night flyers because he was tired of other organizations covering up his organization’s flyers.

Oct. 24 Village Square
Four windows appear to have been shot out. No evidence of casings were found. NEIU had held an event earlier in the day where darts were thrown in the same direction as the windows.

Oct. 24 Library
Police responded to a call of a person with a knife. Subject reported using the knife to remove staples from paperwork. Subject was told to put the knife away. He complied.

Oct. 24 B Building
Subject released without charges after being questioned regarding a report of printing 40 dollars worth of credit on victim’s student ID. Victim claims she loaned subject her student ID to print only a couple of copies.

Oct. 27 The Nest
NEIU PD and Chicago PD received information about a student who possibly wanted to harm himself. Student was located off campus and will receive assistance from the Student Counseling Services office.

Oct. 28 Parking Lot F
Staff member reported that an unknown person left a note on her vehicle’s driver’s side door telling her to harm herself.

Oct. 29 Parking Garage
A possible hit-and-run was reported in the parking garage. NEIU PD was unable to positively identify and contact the victim.

Oct. 30 NEIU
An individual attempted to get the class schedule of a student. NEIU does not disclose student information and/or schedules due to various regulations and policies.

Oct. 30 COBM
Officers responded to a person who was possibly hit by a car. Victim was taken to the hospital.

Oct. 30 B Building
Graffiti was reported in men’s restroom.

Oct. 31 Fine Arts Building
Officers responded to an individual who fainted. Victim was taken to the hospital for evaluation.