“Together we Heal” CCICS’s Poetry Slam

Leslie Lozada, Editor in Chief

Poetry is in everyone. There are only a selected few that can broadcast it into the world.


Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) had their fourth annual Poetry Slam on April 14, 2022, at the Donn F Bailey Legacy Hall, after having the last Poetry Slam online in 2021. Like some of the events from this semester at CCICS, transportation was provided to bring students and participants from the main campus to the Bronzeville campus. There was also a light dinner for everyone involved before moving things into the Hall.

Alexx Brown, the host for the event, started off the night. There was a bit of a rough patch, with some of the performers not showing up to perform as listed on the program, but everything was smoothed over, with each performer present giving their all. One performer, Cortez Thomas, had a moving piece that was fast paced and captivating, as it built on the unnamed “she” and her struggles in abusive situations

While the judges deliberated to determine the winners, there was ample time for an open mic section for anyone in the audience to perform a piece. There was a wonderful off the cuff spoken word performance by Sarator Whitehead, the office administration for the CCICS campus, that brought the entire audience to turn in her direction, her voice booming throughout the Hall sans microphone. 

The winners of the event were; Shuaya Qadri in third place, Orion Meadows in second place, and Cortez Thomas in first place.