
NEIU Artist Interview: Jackie Sanchez

February 17, 2022

What’s your background and how do you think it has affected your work?

I am a Mexican-American artist who spent most of her life living in Mexico. Despite the beautiful life and culture in my country, I had to move to the U.S in 2015.

In order to describe my work I must comment on my childhood. I was raised in a chaotic environment; my parent’s alcoholism and neglect impacted my life as a child. It wasn’t until I became an adolescent and started socializing that I encountered people who were as hurt as myself. I always had an interest in human behavior and psychology. During my time alone I would spend time observing, talking to people and putting the pieces together. As a result, I noticed a pattern in everyone’s unhealthy behavior and attachment styles; our inner child was wounded and nobody knew.

My current work seeks to further explore the theme of mental health and the impact that childhood trauma has on adulthood; a topic often ignored, but one that must be addressed with urgency.

What type of art do you create and what motivates you to make it?

I make sculptures that capture raw emotions. As a sculptor working primarily with the human figure, I find the human body a powerful agent for personal narrative. Some people may find emotionality or intense emotions as a weakness, I truly believe that one must experience and dive deep into those sensations to become fully aware of oneself. It is only through self-awareness that one can heal fully.                    

What’s the purpose or goal of your work?

My ultimate goal as a sculptor is not only to bring awareness on relevant topics, but to invite my audience to a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. 

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration everywhere I go, but mostly through music and through conversations with people. People’s body language is especially intriguing to me. There is a lot of information in nonverbal communication, it only takes curiosity to decipher the meaning behind it. 

How do you define success as an artist? 

Success comes when you are at peace with what you are currently sharing with the world. If doing what you love makes you happy, that is success. There are not a lot of happy people out there. 

How do you market yourself and your work?

I market myself mostly through social media, I used to be a Content Creator on YouTube so I am familiarized with the process of filming and

photographing my work. I recently launched my own website so that people can read more about my current work and take a look at some of my work in progress pictures. 

If you could give one piece of advice to another artist trying to navigate their way in the artworld, what would it be?

I would say my biggest advice is to pursue your passion, but do not forget that everything in life takes discipline and commitment. Staying motivated is hard, but envision where you want to be and what it is you want to achieve. Just fight for it.

Moreover, something else I wish someone would have told me earlier is to make connections. It is crucial to your development as an artist to meet new people.

I’ll add one more thing; get yourself out there in whatever way possible, believe in you and magic happens.  

What are your handles, or contact information so people can check out your work?

People can check out my latest work through my instagram:

Or through my website:


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