BREAKING: Bernie Sanders endorses Joe Biden for president

April 13, 2020

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders officially endorsed former vice president Joe Biden for President of the United States of America on Monday.

Appearing alongside the Democratic nominee via a livestream broadcast, Sanders emphasized the importance of a Biden victory in the upcoming general election.

“We need you in the White House,” said Sanders. “I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse.”

Sanders endorsement comes after a faction of his coalition pledged to defect to the Republican Party for the 2020 general election. Following the suspension of Sanders campaign last Wednesday, a “#NeverBiden” movement swept social media, leading to contentious debates between supporters of the two final Democratic nominees.

Biden, who recently pledged to earn the trust of Sanders’ coalition, called the endorsement “a big deal.” However, despite the ideological difference that surfaced between Biden and Sanders on the campaign trail, both men appeared ready to unite to defeat President Donald Trump.

“It’s no great secret Joe that you and I have our differences, and we are not going to paper them over. That’s real,” Sanders said.

Sanders continued: “We’ve got to make Trump a one-term president, and we need you in the White House.”

While many expected Sanders to endorse Biden, the timing of the endorsement came as a surprise. Former Biden staffer Tara Reade accused the former vice president of sexual assaulting her while Biden still served in the Senate. Former Sanders national press secretary Briahna Joy Gray described the accusation, which stems from a 1993 encounter between Reade and Biden, as “credible.”

Nevertheless, it appears Sanders is willing to use his resources and support to assist Biden’s campaign.

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  • M

    MartyApr 14, 2020 at 3:54 am

    Joe Biden is and will always be the best Democratic President! ?

  • A

    AstiApr 14, 2020 at 1:14 am

    As much as I am disappointed. There’s a reason for all this. There has been too much corruption up against Bernie Sanders, because of his persistence and dedication (and their fear), and has made it just about almost impossible for him to move forward especially during this pandemic crisis. Bernie Sanders will always be the good man for our Country as he has been for past 40 plus years. ● He is a man I will continue to support despite his final decision. I will still vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary. Biden can fumble anytime. I will still support Sanders until the end with the hope and answered prayers that he will be our new President. #BernieSandersForPresident

  • F

    FernandoApr 13, 2020 at 6:57 pm

    Don’t look the name… close your eyes…. and jusr vote Biden. What a party! This party is for what? …. for this shame? … no ideals… no politic philosofy…. just blablabla… and so on… and so on…. year after year…. Is this a party?

  • C

    Christine TerranovaApr 13, 2020 at 4:29 pm

    I do not like the way the DNC, Obama, Hillary the media..(joy reid..the view “ladies”..etc) james carvell..all the clintonites..Elizabeth
    Warren..amy..pete and all the others who jumped on board to stop Bernie and manipulated the primary. This does not seem like a democracy. The rich are still getting richer and the poor are dying. Joe better wise up. I live in a blue state and I don’t know if i can bring myself to vote for another alleged woman abuser and war monger rich man. He better come out for Medicare for all and never mind lowering the age to 60 . He better come out against the fossil fuel industry and big pharma and insurance companies. He better have solutions to climate change like planting millions of trees. And he better get the poor suckers out of the coal mines and teach them solar and wind power. He should pick Nina Turner for VP . If he does all those things..i will hold my nose and vote for him.

  • C

    Cory SchmittApr 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    I don’t agree with Bernie on this. Have followed him since 2015. Have supported him financially and in other ways as well. I’m not the only one either. I don’t agree with it but, I don’t see my small local union of 105 steelworkers making it through another 4 years of Trump.


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