Graphic by Mary Kroeck
Q: I’m looking for a job, but can’t seem to find one in my field of interest. At this point should I just accept anything even if it’s not what I really want to do or what I went to school for?
A Discouraged Student
Dear Discouraged Student,
This is a really hard question to answer. First off, I think you may need to examine your financial situation before you make a decision. If you don’t have a lot of bills to pay and have savings to keep searching for your dream job, then you have a little breathing room. If you don’t, then it’s like being caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand you need the cash, but on the other you don’t want to feel miserable about how you earn it.
However, in today’s society, many jobs are temporary. I’ve heard that generally millennials will change jobs every three years. If they don’t, employers may wonder why they stayed in the same position for longer. At the same time, if you find a job that you love and you can keep doing it for years, then why not stay?
Another thing to consider is that a job can just be a job–not your life. If you get a job offer that isn’t exactly what you want, but you can stay in the position for a while to pay off your credit card bills or some student loan debt, isn’t that better than having no income at all? You can work a nine to five that isn’t the coolest job in the world then follow your bliss in the evenings and weekends, until you can make what you love your full time job. It isn’t easy, but it’s possible.
Consider your long and short term goals. Make pro and con lists. Weigh out your options and plan, plan, plan. You can do what you love and love what you do, but sometimes you really have to have the patience and discipline to keep working at it and keep putting your work and resumes out there. If you do, I believe it will work out for the best. I also suggest utilizing NEIU’s Career Center for help with resumes, cover letters and job searches if you’re not doing that already. It can be really helpful to have someone else checking out your materials to offer suggestions on improvements. Good luck!
Q: I met this guy and I think he’s cute. He sent me a text asking if I wanted to “hang out” sometime, but I don’t know if he’s asking me out on a date or just wanting to hang out as friends. I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility of being friends, but I also wouldn’t mind if it maybe turned into a romantic relationship. What should I do?
Mz. Confused
Dr. Mz. Confused,
A lot of people might tell you to play it cool and just “hang” out, see what happens and if he makes a move, you’ll know where he stands. I’m not one of those people. I used to be one of those people and it only made relationships a lot more complicated than they needed to be. If you like him and are genuinely okay with it going either way, then text him and say you’d like to hang out, you just want to be clear of the circumstances. If he’s interested in you–as a friend or otherwise–he should be cool with answering that question so you both know where you stand.
If he can’t do that (or doesn’t want to) maybe you should reconsider if he’s someone worth building any type of relationship with in the first place. Friendships are a type of relationship too. Just like romantic relationships, they involve a certain amount of give and take. If I were you, I would just ask. If he says he doesn’t know yet, then you both can take the time to figure out the type of relationship you want to build together. When it comes to relationships, one of the worst things that can happen is people getting their signals crossed about where they stand. Be clear and ask him for the same. In the long run it can save you both a lot of heartache and unnecessary drama.
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*Please note, if you are in crisis or have an immediate health issue, please seek help from a health care professional. The Independent may not respond to every question in print or via e-mail. Please utilize resources on campus, such as counseling services and student health, or see your healthcare provider for issues regarding mental and physical wellness.