School isn’t just for classes. Here at NEIU, we have a lot of different events from different departments that are around different campuses. From Clubs, Frats, and University wide events, here are some events that are coming up.
Club Going-ons:
The International Club
Every Wednesday, 4:30-5:30pm, LWH 1001
Expect to learn a lot from different cultures, travel around Chicago, and see things from a new perceptive.
Club events: The next meeting on Sept 7th will be a presentation based on someone’s country, either Mexico or The United States of America.
Chess Club
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
3-4pm, Student Union, Cafeteria
Come join in for a roaring game of chess with other chess enthusiasts.
Pride Alliance
Every Monday
2-3pm, Main Campus, Pedroso Center, Room 166
If you’re LGBTQ+ oriented, come join this club.
Psychology Club:
Every Thursday
Have a major in psychology, or just a passing interest? Come check out the psychology club!
The Independent
Every Tuesday
3-4pm, Main Campus, E-049
Club events:
The meeting on Tuesday Sept 6th, will be the pitch meeting, interested people can give ideas as to what articles they could write/cover or take up any open pitches. The deadline for receiving articles is the following Tuesday, Sept 13th.
Music Corner:
Thursday Night Live
Every Thursday at 10:00pm
Music Events:
Sept 6th: Outronaut
Crossover Club Events:
Section by Melanie Cartwright
Art Therapy
With: Pride Alliance, Psychology Club, Peer Wellness Group
Main Campus, BBH 311 (Room is subject to change)
This event is hosted by these three organizations for suicide awareness Pizza, soda, canvases, paint, and brushes will be provided.
Fine Arts Center Gallery: “See, Shade, Shape”
10am-5pm, Monday and Wednesday
11am-4pm, Tuesday andThursday
10am-2pm, Friday
Main Campus, Fine Arts Center
Through Sept 25th, Monika Plioplyte’s drawings, prints and collages show her perspective in an uncertain pandemic reality.
URO Latinx Bake Sale
12:00pm-4:00pm, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 6 and 8
Main Campus, Village Square
Check out this bake sale from the Undocumented, Resilient and Organized organization.
Bronzeville History Writing Workshops at CCICS
6:30pm-8:30pm, Thursday, Sept 15
10:30am-12:30pm, Saturday, Sept 17
CCICS, 700 E Oakwood Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60653
Sharing knowledge about the historic neighborhood, this writing workshop will have the written accounts curated at the CCICS library. There will be more workshops in the following months.
Campus Wide Events:
If you have any campus events that you would like to see at the Independent, check out this email: llozada3@neiu,edu, and send some details.
Thursday, September 8
Artist Showcase/Meet the Media
Main Campus, Auditorium
The Student Media Board is putting together a concert from NEIU students and from WZRD, the university’s radio station. All of the Media organizations will be present to give out freebies and information about the organization. The guest speaker, Wilfredo Alvarez, will be speaking at 4:30pm.
Saturday, Sept 10, 2022
4th Annual Fun Fair
CCICS, 700 E Oakwood Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60653
Connect with different NEIU students at our Bronzeville Campus, with a DJ on hand and some food and games! Bus service will be available for those on the Main Campus, just make sure to RSVP ahead of time with Alex Gonzalez with your full name and NEIU ID at
Monday, Sept 12
Jazzy Mondays with Ernie Adams
CCICS, Donn F. Bailey Legacy Hall
Presented by CCICS’s Great Black Music Project, Ernie Adams and his band will light up the hall with some good tunes. Email for a spot. Jazzy Mondays is every second Monday of each month.
Tuesday, Sept 13
Building-B Block Party
1:00pm-4:00pm, Main Campus, Building B Hallway
Celebrating National Hispanic Serving Institutions week, and featuring art and music from one of the founding members of the Mole de Mayo art collective and the Pilsen Art and Craft Beer collective Victor M. Montañez.
Tik-Talk with Keynote Speaker Isaias Perez (@thelatinoteacher)
Alumni Hall, SU 115
A Double Alumnus of NEIU, a math teacher, and Latino Tiktoker, Isaias Perez will share his story about being a Dreamer under DACA, gaining a higher education, and being a Latino teaching STEM.
Thursday, Sept 15
“Sacred Movements from Indigenous Mexico”
Main Campus, Quad
Get to learn about posture exercises, the martial art techniques from the Nahua (from Central Mexico) with Izayo Mazehualli.
An Evening with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
7:00 p.m
Main Campus, Auditorium
Part of the Presidential Lecture series, NEIU alumna Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor will give a talk. The lecture will be free and open to the public and will be in person and streamed via the website
Friday, Sept 16
Golden Eagle Virtual Trivia Night
7:00 pm
If you are a fan of trivia, come check out this online event, focused on NEIU knowledge. To find out more about the event, and the link, check NEIU Weekend 2022 at
Black Caucus 6th Annual Homecoming Dance
CCICS, 700 E Oakwood Blvd Chicago, Illinois 60653
Head on out to this Black Carpet event, and dance the night away! Transportation from the Main Campus will be provided for NEIU students with IDs to and from the event, so RSVP as soon as possible.
Saturday, Sept 17
Golden Eagle 5k Run-Walk
Main Campus
Sponsored by Campus Recreation, this 5k run is open to the public. This is help raise funds for the Undocumented Student Fund.
La Copa Soccer Tournament
Main Campus, P.E Complex
This event will be held in the soccer field off of the P.E Complex. If you would like to participate in the tournament, please complete the google sign-up form, located in the NEIU Weekend 2022 section of the site.
Poetry and Pancakes
Main Campus, Gazebo
Have some breakfast while hearing some poetry readings from different members of NEIU. Some members from Seeds will be in attendance, which includes the Editor in Chief of Seeds Clay Cofre.
Golden Eagle Alumni and Family Picnic
Free for NEIU students, join in on a family-friendly picnic on the University Commons. This event will have food from Corky’s, as well as other food vendors.
Sunday, Sept 18
Off Campus Event:
“My Brother Langston”
Black Ensemble Theater
4450 N Clark St, Chicago IL 60640
Part of NEIU Weekend, check out this play based on the life and writings of Langston Hughes. There are 7 student tickets, sponsored by the English department,for students who would like to attend.