Updated: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 00:01
Paul Harris: I’m in my second year as the NEIU MIG advisor. It has been an honor and privilege to take on the advisory role after several years as a participant. I have especially enjoyed mentoring the student delegates and coaching them throughout the year of preparation and at the simulation. I have benefited personally not only from participating but also enjoyed the learning process and watching students develop a depth of understanding of the state’s political structures as well as helping them emerge as leaders and thinkers. The NEIU MIG delegation has a long legacy of producing student and community leaders and I look forward to continued participation in being part of this legacy. Please consider attending a meeting and realizing your own potential as a citizen of Illinois and the U.S.
Northeastern Illinois University maintains an active moot court team that has been coached by Dr. Neddenriep for the last four years. The squad, usually composed of six students (3 teams), argues an appellate-level case before a hypothetical court typically staffed by lawyers from Sangamon County, Illinois. Northeastern’s team has been very successful in recent years, boasting a fourth place finish for “best counsel” in 2010 and a first place finish for “best council” in 2011. Likewise, in recent years, a Northeastern student was elected to the Chief Justice position, thereby assuming administrative control over the moot court component of the MIG simulation. According to Dr. Neddenriep, participation in moot court provides students with a powerful learning experience that helps them understand the intricacies of Constitutional Law, while honing valuable public speaking and analytical skills. Likewise, according to Dr. Neddenriep, the experience is a good primer for students who are entertaining the possibility of entering law school upon graduation from Northeastern.
Model Illinois Government Michelle S Gruebmeyer B.A. MIG President since 2010
Model Illinois Government (MIG), not just for political science students! MIG offers an annual simulation where the students take over the Capitol Complex in Springfield, Ill. Students can choose from a multitude of “roles” they can play during the simulation. They can be a member of the House of Representatives, a senator, a lobbyist, a journalist, or a moot court attorney. For students who are interested in government this opportunity provides the most valuable experience they will have in their collegiate life. The experience provides to ANY STUDENT the ability to think on one’s feet, public speaking and every member of the NIEU delegation has returned with a new sense of confidence in themselves.
Students who choose to be legislators during the annual simulation will debate MIG bills on the House and Senate floors in the Capitol Complex. The only people allowed on the House and Senate floors are the actual House Representatives and Senators elected into the Illinois State Government and Model Illinois Government participants! It is such an awe-inspiring experience to walk onto the House or Senate floor for the very first time.
NEW MEMBERS are still welcome! Anyone who wishes to become a member of MIG must contact the MIG President Michelle S Gruebmeyer at m-gruebmeyer@neiu.edu or go to www.orgsync.com and request to join MIG. IF you wish to be in attendance at our annual MIG simulation please contact Michelle through her email directly as the simulation deadlines are fast approaching!