Remember the NEIU shuttle program? The NEIU shuttle program consisted of a car with six seats that would transport students between the Main Campus, El Centro and the Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS), plus the Kimball Brown Line CTA station on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Although this would be very helpful for those whose schedules match up with the shuttle’s, it is not helpful if the shuttle reaches capacity or the time tables do not work for students’ schedules.
Introducing Uber! Replacing the shuttle program will be free rides with Uber within certain guidelines.
The Uber ride is between the Main Campus, El Centro or CCICS.
The Uber ride is meant solely for students to attend class, therefore there will be date and time restrictions.
Got a class at another location? Forget taking the CTA or trying to find another parking spot, take a free Uber to class.
Interested in the Inner City Studies program or the College of Business and Management but campus too far away? Not anymore!
How do you get this? According to the NEIU Ride with Uber website…
Fill out an NEIU Ride With Uber request form which is available at the Welcome Desk in Village Square on the main campus, at the Welcome Desk in the first-floor lobby at El Centro and the administrative office on the third floor at the Carruthers Center.
A valid Northeastern ID card must be presented at the time an NEIU Ride With Uber request form is submitted.
Ride request forms will take 24-48 hours to review and process as are subject to review, enrollment verification and class registration before approval.
Once the request is approved, NEIU will issue a customized Uber voucher to the student.
A link to the customized Uber voucher will be sent to the student’s N-mail address.
Once the Uber voucher has been claimed, the student will be able to schedule an Uber ride during the specific dates and times to attend class.
Northeastern will cover the cost of the ride(s) taken within the parameters established for the customized Uber voucher.
Once the voucher has been applied to the student’s Uber account, the voucher will automatically pay for any rides that fit the parameters of the voucher. Any rides that do not match the voucher parameters will not be paid for by the school. For more information about how your voucher works, visit Uber’s website, https://www.uber.com/us/en/business/vouchers-experience/ and scroll down to their FAQ section.
While the deadline for applications ended on Sept. 9, any applications received after are subject to further review for approval.
Although a student may not be able to take an Uber to attend a lecture or event at another NEIU location just yet, change is on its way in.